Results coming !!

She's ignored her feeling. She just go straight the hall, where all students collect their results. When she arrives at the hall, there's so many people there. Some of them came with their parents, some of then came with their lovers. It's normal for someone who became 18.

At this age, they normally going out with friends, spending time with families and traveling. Ash somewhat different from others, in her mind, she just want to survive in this cruel world. Neither seeking for help nor shared her problems with others, she really comfortable to keep in her heart. It's might be burden for her, but she doesn't have choices. She had to work and studies at the same time.

The students gather in hall. They wait. They hoped their name being called by teacher. The teacher was about to announce who got title THE BEST STUDENTS. Among them, Ash being called. Fazz and Phill happy for her, she can't fell the happiness. She keep reminded about her family. Her family must be proud if they still alive. Ash doesn't say any word. She keep silence.

The announcement end. Phill name doesn't called. He upset. When Ash come back from the stage, she approach Phill. She pat Phill on his shoulder. She smiled. Phill understand what Ash want to say. Phill nodded. Phill know that Ash doesn't want him to lose hope. So, she will be at his side to get through with it. Phill doesn't want back home. He afraid of his mother.

At Phill's house, Ash don't want to come, but Phill persuade Ash to tag with him. As usual, Phill mother just greet his son and treat Ash like she never existed. His mom 3 brag about him. She brag about his results. Phill remain silent. He just passed his result to his mother. She's shocked. But she still brag about it. She said, "Even your grade dropped, you still above Ash right ? I know you're the best my son. I'm proud of you. You never thought to disappoint me. Unlike that person, just want sympathy from others." She looked at Ash with cool gaze.

Ash remain silent. She still respect her due she's her aunt. At that time, Phill can't hold any longer. He told her mother that Ash got better result then him. Phill's mom become ashamed. She don't know to react. She stunt. Ash excuse herself and went home. On the way, she accidentally saw Fazz. She used another route. Even Ash and Fazz best friend. Ash doesn't want to make him burden.

Her step become faster. Suddenly, she bump onto someone. She rose her head. Fazz smile at her, "Seems someone avoid me." Ash stunt. She doesn't have reasons in her head. She's just smile back to Fazz. She's silent. "Let me send you to home." Fazz want to know where she live. He also want to meet his best friend parents.

They walk in silence. Neither of them talking. "I just want to ask...." their silent break. Both of them asking the same question at the same time. They had a great team work after all. Both of them laughed. They found that just doesn't make sense. "So, what's are you doing after you 'disappeared' ?" Fazz ask. "Ahh, just cleared something that not important to you" she replied. "IS THERE SOMETHING THAT NOT IMPORTANT TO ME IF IT'S RELATE TO YOU." he said in quite high tone. She stunt. She doesn't knew what he means. She just thinks that Fazz being mad without any reasons.

"I'm sorry Ash, I don't mean it. I just can't accept that you still can't accept me." he said in disappointed tone. Ash don't know how to react. She just reached Fazz head, even she had to tip toes. Fazz clearly taller than her. But she doesn't mind that. She gently pat his head. She console him but he push her away gently. She became more confused.

She just let that feel went away. She just started walk again. Her heavy step still keep going even her heart don't want to. Suddenly, someone pull her hand and hug her. She can't moved. She stayed there for a couple minutes.