A Joy to Work With

Jessy went to the clinic after Adam went back to his place to honor his commitments.

Inside the clinic.

"Good morning, Doc!" Jessy greeted the physician.

"Good morning, Jess! How many we have to schedule for blood transfusion today?" the doctor asked.

Jessy pondered for a moment. "Hmm... line up the first four...then let see if I can add two more on the list tonight. I will do blood transfusion all day long until midnight with the usual 2 hours interval each..." she answered.

"Good!" the physician said. "By the way, how do you feel? I mean... do you notice any changes in your body after each blood transfusion session? For example, weakening of joints...muscle... fatigue, headache, dizziness or anything that you don't normally feel?" he asked.