
"You know people don't smile all the time"

Nona looked a bit frustrated but her long time friend seemed unfazed.

"I know that but.. There was something about it…. It was just creepy"


"The Janitor guy talks too much that i can't keep up but at least he's not hard to read. Even Eguchi and the boss were fairly transparent! But this guy… he's always smiling and happy and then like a light switch, it was weird."

"It could be a chemical imbalance"

"A chemical imbalance? Not hormones?"

Her friend laughed,

"Hormones do play a part in emotional regulation. That's why during menstruation when the hormones are raised females have difficulty controlling their emotions. Males go through it as well, were testosterone raises. But if your talking about a flipping switch then it seems more dramatic."

Nona sighed,

"So what does that mean, a chemical imbalance?"

"Well chemical imbalances are more severe than just hormonal swings. These imbalances can also indicate more psychological disorders such as; Bipolar, Personality disorders even depressive disorders."

Nona was surprised. Daigo was off but did she really think he had some kind of mental disorder?

"Your not a doctor, so i wouldn't try and diagnose anything. But if you feel that uncomfortable just be careful. Mood disorders can be unpredictable."

Nona nodded.
