Fantasy is not reality.

Nona planned better this time. Last time he caught her off guard because she hadn't brought lunch. But this time she packed a sandwich. So when Daigo asked her for lunch she had the option of saying she already had some. Indeed she was learning how to manipulate the multiple choice questions.

And Daigo had looked disheartened but then he got called by the supervisor so she was clear.

Rather than all that.. .she was actually interested in Eguchi.

God she was a masochist.

Why was she interested in that cold hearted man. But still she played with the fantasy.


"Excellent work as always.. Nona"

Her face bloomed into color as she looked into those blue eyes of his.

"It's all that's to your detailed reports sir"

He stood over her making her catch her breath. His hand rose to brush her cheeks.

"We work well together then"



Nona jumped as she turned to see Shinsato leaned against her cubicle. One eyebrow raised he looked bewildered by her.

"I've been calling you for awhile."

She was surprised but shook her head

[did you need something?]

[sorry i got lost in thought]

No way she was going with that. If he asked what she was thinking it would end really badly.

[did you need something?]

He looked at her as if wanting to press why she had been so out of it but she prayed, and i mean PRAYED TO ANYONE THAT WOULD HEAR


He eventually shrugged and she could feel the relief,

"Nothing really, i was just passing by and wondered what you were up to."

If there wasn't the hearts in the screen she might have thought he was just being a good friend but she still smiled at the kind thought,

[working hard]

[hardly working]

Oh the choice between truth and lies.

[hardly working]

He smiled,

"Knew it"


They both turned to see Daigo standing there.

And there it was again that feeling that something was just a bit off.

And he was smiling… but it wasn't reaching his eyes.


[hi diago]

[you two know each other?]

And usually she wouldn't pry but the way they were looking at each other seemed strange,

[you two know each other?]

Shinsato look back at her nervously,

"Yea… we were friends from high school. We know a lot about each other"

Daigo looked at her and she felt a chill,

"Although… I didn't know you were close"

[we're not that close]

[we became friends]

Honestly something told her to deny Shin's existence. There was something not quite right with Daigo but if she did wouldn't Shinsato be hurt?

[we became friends]

The smile officially dropped from his face and Nona was terrified but then like that switch he was grinning brightly and he looked at Shinsato,

"That's great. Shin's such a good friend. We should hang out later actually since it's been awhile."

Shinsato actually looked nervous but smiled

"Sure, you can stop by my place tonight"

And with a smile Daigo went back to his cubicle. There was still no options that came up for speech so Nona had no choice but to stay silent.

"Well see ya"

He waved and Shinsato left.

What was going on?