I Hate Getting Carsick The Most (3)

The Vermilion Bird had not appeared for a hundred years, and even Shen Feng did not know much about him. He only knew that the Vermilion Bird possessed remarkable abilities. Shen Yanxiao had already prepared her explanation beforehand. If someone were to ask her about her sudden recovery, she would use the Vermillion Bird as a cover.

Who would dare to question her answer? They could seek confirmation from that conceited little bird if they were capable of that.

"Good, very good… that's great." Shen Feng patted Shen Yanxiao's shoulders in excitement. He had believed her as soon as he saw the flame mark between her eyebrows.

The Vermilion Bird had returned, and Shen Yanxiao had recovered. The concurrent joyous events had brought a huge smile on Shen Feng's usually imposing face, and he then asked everyone to go back to the estate.

However, Shen Yanxiao stopped him and pulled on his sleeves.