Saint Laurent Academy (2)

When she saw Qi Meng's respectful attitude toward him, Shen Yanxiao could already guess that he was possibly a young master of the Qilin Family. Since she still needed to collaborate with Qilin Auction House, she decided to not offend her partner.

Furthermore, it did not hurt anyone if she were to address him as a senior, as more friends meant more pathways. In any case, they were both students at the Saint Laurent Academy, and he might be a useful ally in the future.

Shen Yanxiao's mind started to spin, and she started to assess his exploitation value with a simple two-sentence conversation. She then pondered about how she could squeeze him dry.

"You have been very good to our business, but it seemed like I haven't gotten your name. I am Qi Xia from the Qilin Family. What is your name?" Qi Xia smiled and looked at Shen Yanxiao.