Ridiculous Wager (3)

As a member of the five great aristocratic families, Shen Yanxiao knew a little about the internal relations between the families.

It was quite similar to what most people would have in mind. Even though the members of the families seemed to live glamorous lifestyles, they had to be extra careful with each step they take.

The students had made unfair speculations about Shen Yanxiao, and Tang Nazhi had rushed to her aid without a care for himself.

Should she laugh at his foolishness, or at her own stupidity?

Should she laugh at him for letting her actions determine his future? Or should she berate herself for her ignorance of having such a loyal friend?

Tang Nazhi stopped in his tracks and turned back to look at Shen Yanxiao, who beamed with a smile.

"I believe in your abilities. There's nothing that I won't do to prove it." He had witnessed Shen Yanxia's talents in herbalism, and he believed that no one was comparable to her.