Pseudo-death Potion (3)

Pu Lisi knew that even though it was only an intermediate-level potion, it was comparable to an advanced-level potion in terms of its effectiveness.

He pulled himself out from his memories and looked at the purple-colored potion in shock. His aged eyes were also filled with disbelief.

How was that possible?!

How did that kid manage to make the Pseudo-death Potion?!

Even though the potion was an intermediate one, it had quite a demanding process to produce it. One had to prepare two types of potions concurrently, and they also had to use the potent medicinal properties of the Crepis Grass to combine two of the completed potions.

Two different types of potions…

Crepis Grass…

Pu Lisi gasped and glared unwaveringly at Shen Yanxiao, who stood at the side. He wished that he could use his eyes to burn two holes on her body.