Searching for Treasures in the Medicine Storage Room (1)

Shen Yanxiao did a rough calculation. There were probably about tens of thousands of medicinal ingredients in the storage room.

It was an impossible task to look through all of the medicinal ingredients, even if she had more than ten days or half a month. However, she only had a single afternoon at that time.

She had to pick a set of medicinal ingredients and then leave the storage room before the sun had set. Otherwise, they would consider it an automatic abandonment of that privilege.

"Ouyang Huanyu is a crafty old fox, indeed. There are so many medicinal ingredients here, but we only get one afternoon to pick our choice. It is not easy to find the good stuff among all the items here." Shen Yanxiao's eyes swept across the room. Even though it was a good prize for a competition, it was still not an easy task to find the best ingredient in such a short time.