Moling (1)

Shen Yanxiao frowned. It sounded like a hazardous plant, so why was it mixed in with the other medicinal ingredients? When she looked into the drawer, she could see some ordinary Baize in it too.

"Wouldn't that make this a dangerous plant?" Ouyang Huanyu had tasked Ye Qing and the other Great Herbalists to work on the Blood Banquet Potion for Yun Qi, and one of the ingredients needed for that potion was Baize. If the herbalists used the Moling plant instead of the Baize plant in the Blood banquet Potion, would that not harm Yun Qi?

Shen Yanxiao wondered if she should destroy that plant. If Xiu was right, then the Moling plant could very well hurt both Ye Qing and Yun Qi.

Yun Qi was her mentor, and she owed him a debt of gratitude, while Ye Qing had also extended much help to her. She did not want to see either of them hurt.

Even though Shen Yanxiao was a heartless person, she respected the elders who cared for her with sincerity.