Refusal to Walk an Easy Way Out (3)

All ten of them felt a sharp sting in their shoulders. They wanted to cry out in pain, but Shen Yanxiao had held up Clemance as she loaded more arrows and took aim at them.

"If you dare to utter another sound, I'll nail your heads onto the tree." There was an easy way out, but they insisted on going through the hell's gate. Those idiots dared to delay her trip and even threaten her? It seemed like they wanted to seek their deaths.

Those mercenaries were shocked by what had happened. They did not expect that little kid to be an archer! A single shot with ten arrows; was she even human?

She had nailed them against the three in a split second, and they did not even have time to react.

They felt like they could cry as they stared at the bow and arrow in her hand.