Advanced Archer?! (1)

The mercenary leader's gaze swept past his subordinates and onto Shen Yanxiao, who had made her way toward Du Lang. He assessed that fragile little kid repeatedly with doubts in his mind. He could not believe that the kid could injure his strong subordinates.

"Are you sure it was him and not Evil Wolf or Du Lang?" It was not that he did not trust his men, but he could not imagine that it was the case.

He had dispatched several of his men to kill some magical beasts the previous night. However, he did not expect that they would be nailed to the trees before they could even venture too far out. If he had not woken up earlier that day to survey the forest, his men would still be displayed on the trees at that moment.

He also did not expect his men to tell him that it was the Cave Wolves Mercenary Group's deadweight who had nailed them onto the trees!