Farewell (2)

"Luo Fan is an Advanced Herbalist, and if you were to compete against the both of them, you could ignore Shangguan Xiao for now. However, you must be on your guard against Luo Fan. An Advanced Herbalist's potion is never simple. Furthermore, the Luo family had many secret formulae and I have yet to investigate all of them. You would be at a disadvantage if you were to compete with them with detrimental potions." Qi Xia furrowed his eyebrows, and that was something that he rarely did. Even though he was not an herbalist, as the next Qilin family's head, he was expected to have some knowledge about the profession.

Potions were indispensable items in the Brilliance Continent, and potions with beneficial effects were high in demand. As for potions with detrimental effects, it would also intimidate many.