Mythical Beasts for Sale (2)

Li Xiaowei scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "My teacher had given it to me, but our relationship is not as good. I will have to discuss with it."

He even had to consult with his mythical beast before he could make a decision? None of them had ever encountered that situation, and thus, they were amazed.

The Vermilion Bird, who crouched beside Shen Yanxiao, revealed an expression of grief.

How different was it with another master! He even asked his mythical beast's opinion before he made a decision. His tyrannical female master did everything according to her own accord!

Even though Li Xiaowei hung out with ordinary folks with his mother, he got to know a rather powerful Great Archarcher. His teacher taught him well, but unfortunately, he had passed away due to an illness. His teacher had given his magical beast to Li Xiaowei just before he died.