You Won’t Die if You Don’t Seek Death (2)

From the moment Shen Yanxiao appeared, Long Yue became weird. He pretended to be calm and put on airs that a prince ought to possess as he looked at Shen Yanxiao. However, the slight trace of fluster within his eyes betrayed his current stoic expression.

Li Qi believed Shen Yanxiao to have a weak and timid temperament when she remained silent. As a result, he became even more confident and his words flew out without any holding back.

"The Emperor assigned you this city so it's not for you to be a tyrant. And why are you being so stingy? Are these buns even fit for human consumption? How did you have the cheek to bring these out to serve the prince and the state teacher? You're really an uncultured brat."

"Why? It's not to your taste?" Shen Yanxiao smiled and asked.