Battle Aura Transfer (1)

Inside a room of the inn, Shen Yanxiao sat on a chair and coldly gazed at the foolish Shen Yifeng standing before her.

She had too many questions that required an answer, but it was rather unsafe to conduct an interrogation in an alleyway. Thus, she simply dragged him to the inn she stayed in.

Resisting the urge to chop him into mincemeat, she took a deep breath and asked, "Shen Yifeng, why did your strength increase so much?"

Currently, he was completely controlled by Shen Yanxiao's curse. Under the curse, he lost the ability to think. He was like a wooden doll that acted on her orders and listened to her commands. Without the slightest hesitation, he answered while showing an expression of greed on his handsome face, "Because of my teacher. He has given me powerful strength. Haha! Everything is so wonderful! He helped me to directly advance to a Great Swordsman. That feeling was so good!"