Story of the Past (10)

Shen Yanxiao listened quietly. She had had some guesses but when she heard everything herself, even she found it unbelievable.

Her Brother Siyu was the man who sent her back to the Vermilion Bird Family that night.

Then, would Shen Siyu know about what had happened to her when she went missing for five months?

Where did he find her to send her back? How did he know that she was a child of the Vermilion Bird Family?

Shen Yanxiao was at a loss. She had always known that Shen Siyu was never a threat to her.

In fact, she treated him like her actual brother. But why would he stay with her to protect her for so many years without any complaints? Why didn't he say anything?

He turned a blind eye to the Vermilion Bird Family but cherished her.