'Hero' Saving the Beauty (11)


An ear-piercing sound echoed, and a streak of silver light shot towards the demon's hand at five times the speed of the previous arrows.

The demon subconsciously retracted his hand. He saw that the fast arrow had pierced through the solid stone wall, leaving only its tail exposed.

The shorter demon was stunned by the sheer display of force behind the arrow.

Even demons with rough skin and thick flesh would not survive such an arrow!

"All of you, don't think about getting lucky. If you can't defeat me, don't even think about climbing the stone steps." A voice that carried a smile echoed in the chaotic battlefield.

The two demons narrowed their eyes as they looked at the chaotic battlefield below them. However, they could not find Shen Yanxiao at all. When she leaped away, she quickly blended herself into the crowd in an instant. She had a small physique, so there was no trace of her at all.