Stunning Blow (2)

For a moment, everyone started to wonder if what the Redflame Beast said was true. They were all waiting for Shen Yanxiao's response.

Shen Yanxiao shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not that weak. I don't need Vermilion Bird's protection. So what if I'm an Advanced-level Professional? If you were to let your master be defeated by me, wouldn't that mean you're incapable?"

Shen Yanxiao admitted it!!

Everyone was struck dumb.

The Second-Class Expert in their minds had suddenly become an Advanced-level Professional. Wasn't the difference too huge?

They were all waiting for Shen Yanxiao to summon her Phantom Beast to broaden their horizons. But now, their hopes had been dashed.

As a result, Shen Yanxiao would now be at a disadvantage when fighting against Duan Hen. In terms of personal strength and mythical beasts, Duan Hen was superior in both aspect.

Those who originally had some hopes for Shen Yanxiao were thoroughly disappointed.