A Taste of One's Own Medicine (3)

Senior Brother Qian did not expect that there would be someone who would refuse to join the Broken Star Palace, and the reason for his refusal was an organization he had never even heard of before.

"Phantom? What kind of organization is that? I've never heard of it. Who founded it?" If there was any threat, they would eliminate it.

Qi Xia closed his fan with a smile and pointed to himself, Tang Nazhi and the rest in succession. "Me, him, him, him, him, and Xiaoxiao. The six of us formed it. Why? Is this brother interested in joining?"

Senior Brother Qian's expression instantly turned ashen. Even an idiot like him could tell that Qi Xia was teasing him.

"How shameless of you! If not for your talents, I would have killed you. Since you don't know what's good for you, I don't have to be polite with you!"

Qi Xia smiled and said, "Please don't be polite with us. We like to be rude."