Silvermoon Guards Selection Exam (1)

With the method to expel the pollution, Shen Yanxiao could finally train on the fifth floor of the Pure Spirit Tower.

With her experience on the fifth floor, it was much easier for Shen Yanxiao to enter the sixth and seventh floors of the Pure Spirit Tower. As usual, she would look for Qie Er for a pass every seven days. In half a month's time, she entered the seventh floor.

However, this piece of news caused a sensation throughout the entire advanced training camp!

It had been a long time since an elf could reach the seventh floor of the Pure Spirit Tower. Even the most talented elves could only cultivate around the fifth floor.

The seventh floor of the Pure Spirit Tower had been vacant for a long time.

Shen Yanxiao became the first elf to step into the seventh floor in hundreds of years.