Battle of the Trapped Beast (4)

Shen Yanxiao's heart sank. She could hear the determination in Vermilion Bird's voice.

Knowing the opponent's strength, Shen Yanxiao could only pray that Taotie had yet to break out of the elves' dungeon.

Soon, Shen Yanxiao and the rest arrived at the dungeon deep inside the palace.

It was an extremely huge cage that was hundreds of meters deep underground.

Iron bars that were thicker than an adult man's waist were covered with the luster of enchanted inscriptions. Tens of thousands of enchanted iron bars had become the most powerful cage. Dozens of elderly elves with white hair and wearing white robes were holding specialized inscription pens and writing densely packed inscriptions on the ground around the cage.


Another loud roar sounded from the cage, causing the chandelier hanging above the cageto be even on the verge of collapsing due to the powerful shockwave.

The flickering flames illuminated the huge beast in the cage!