Exchange Blood (3)

"Dragon God, how is Doudou now?" Shen Yanxiao looked at the shy young man and could only turn to ask the Dragon God about the specific situation.

The Dragon God said, "The devil energy in his body has been completely removed, but he has just recovered, so he still needs to recuperate for a while. His growth had been hindered by the devil energy before, and now that it is removed, although he should be an adult dragon now, he can finally grow up from his juvenile phase. Rest assured, he will mature a bit faster."

Shen Yanxiao nodded. No wonder she felt that the little golden dragon looked about the same age as Yang Xi.

"Dragon God, can you teach Doudou the skills of the Dragon race in the future? His parents are no longer here, and Long Shi is only a silver dragon. I don't know much about the skills of golden dragons, and I don't trust other golden dragons."