This is Called Disparity (3)

Shen Yanxiao's departure shifted the center of attention to Luoqiu.

As the loser of this match, Luoqiu's complexion was comparable to the bottom of a pot.

Kehr looked at Luoqiu and really didn't know what to say.

In fact, whether it was Shen Yanxiao or Luoqiu who lost, this was not what Kehr wanted to see.

One specialized in physical arts, and the other had been teaching for many years. Both of them were indispensable to Deathfire Academy.

However, the development of this matter was too quick. Luoqiu had set a trap for himself. He originally wanted to drive Shen Yanxiao out, but in the end…

Luoqiu's face was gloomy. The gazes from all directions made him uncomfortable. He suddenly turned around and left without saying a word.

Unlike Shen Yanxiao's elegance, he left in disgrace.