You Are Cute, Your Family Is Cute (2)

Shen Yanxiao did not want to go out in this outfit. It was true that she liked cute things, but it did not mean that she wanted to be cute herself!

She already wanted to die when she became a dwarf, and with such a set of clothes…

Shen Yanxiao felt that her life had gone awry.

"Chieftain, everyone is ready and waiting for you. Are you ready?" Momo Li's voice sounded outside the door. He had been here several times, and each time Shen Yanxiao said she was not ready yet.

Momo Li did not want to rush Shen Yanxiao, but he wanted to see what Shen Yanxiao would look like in the clothes they had prepared for her.

"Master? Do you want them to continue waiting? Isn't it already dark?" Taotie, who shared a common language with the dwarves, whispered.

Shen Yanxiao's lips twitched.

"It's cold at night. If they stand outside in the cold wind…"