A Quack (4)

Shen Yanxiao was now a hundred percent sure that the divine doctor in front of her was a quack!

Internal injuries?

She was wearing a mask! How could he detect her injuries from her appearance?

It was impossible for Xiu to not notice any hidden internal injuries in her body. If she had internal injuries, Xiu would definitely be the first to notice it. How could it be this quack's turn to swindle her?

Shen Yanxiao sneered secretly. She really didn't expect that there would be such a weirdo among dwarves.

"Huohuo Xiao, do you have internal injuries?" Bobo Bi did not doubt Yuyu Lei's words at all. He immediately looked nervously at Shen Yanxiao.

"Perhaps." Shen Yanxiao shrugged her shoulders. She would like to see what else the liar could say.

A pleasant female voice suddenly sounded from the mouth of the "bandit".