
When the first ray of sunlight fell on the earth in the morning, the dwarves of the Puko Alchemist Guild, who had been partying all night, were still asleep.

Shen Yanxiao came out of the room. Just like when she came, she took nothing with her except the metal rod and the sacred tool ring.

Yu Lei was woken up by Shen Yanxiao in his sleep. He opened his hazy eyes, looked at the bright sky, and struggled to sit up.

"What are you doing this early in the morning?" Yu Lei rubbed his sore eyes. He had drunk a lot last night, and his head was still a little dizzy.

When he first drank the fruit wine last night, he didn't feel like it was too strong. How could he have known that the aftereffects would be so strong? He drank so much last night that he fell unconscious. He did not even know how he returned to the guild.

"Get up, we should go," Shen Yanxiao said.