The Rule of Elements (1)

The five elemental spirits were completely subdued by the rogue tricks of the fire elemental spirit and no longer found trouble with Shen Yanxiao, but new problems emerged.

"Fire, come back with us." The wood elemental spirit looked gently at the fire elemental spirit.

Elemental spirits never liked to come into contact with other races. They would only stay with their own kind. If it were not for the fire elemental spirit, they would not have set foot in the city of dwarves.

"I don't want to…" The fire elemental spirit shook its head like a rattle. It did not understand why it had to be separated from Shen Yanxiao after having a new group of companions.

They were all companions. Wasn't it good to be together?

The fire elemental spirit got rid of the entanglement of the other elemental spirits and ran to Shen Yanxiao's side like a willful child.