Human Alliance (1)

If the same number of mercenaries were to fight, none of the leaders of the five mercenary groups would dare to pat their chest and say that they could defeat the Cave Wolves Mercenary Group. Every battle the Cave Wolves Mercenary Group had experienced in the Forsaken Land was extremely tragic. They had experienced the baptism of the flames of war and crawled out of blood.

Sun Never Sets was no longer as simple as a city. It had become an impenetrable fortress that stood in everyone's hearts.

Qi Xia and the others smiled as they watched the conversation between the rulers. They knew very well that Shen Yanxiao's position had been established. Even if some people's hearts were still restless, it could only become a bubble under the suppression of absolute force.

At this moment, a figure slowly walked into the hall, and all the voices in the hall dissipated in an instant. Everyone's gaze focused on that figure.