City that Never Falls (2)

Other than the treatment problems, food had also become a huge problem.

The alliance army in Sun Never Sets was extremely large. Other than demons and undeads who did not need to eat, magic beasts and humans could not live without food.

It was fine for humans, but magic beasts had a huge appetite. A high-level magic beast's appetite was equivalent to ten adult men. A mythical beast's appetite would double that amount, not to mention a holy beast.

Even though Sun Never Sets was well-prepared, there were still huge problems with the food supply of the magic beast army.

Magic beasts consumed a lot of physical strength and needed a lot of food to replenish.

Shen Yanxiao did not stop the magical beasts from eating, which caused the food in Sun Never Sets' warehouse to be consumed at an astonishing speed.

Every day, hundreds of space rings filled with food would be consumed. Right now, the empty space rings had filled up a warehouse.