Her Heart Was About to Explode

"Gu Beicheng! Businessmen like you are all despicable, quit being a hypocrite! You're actually turning down such a great opportunity to get back at Jin Qingyan. Are you out of your mind?" Chi Rui'er hollered, beginning to feel flustered.

"Chi Rui'er, I know exactly what it is you're after. But I won't ever resort to such lowly and despicable means. I may be on bad terms with Jin Qingyan, but that's none of your business. Don't forget, An Xiaoning is a member of my family," Gu Beicheng bellowed sternly.

"A member of your family? You're not even close to your biological family, let alone a sister who's not even related to you by blood."

"Don't you know when to keep your mouth shut and to mind your words? No wonder you're getting denser. Get lost," he said with a squint.

Chi Rui'er gritted her teeth and turned around to leave, fists clenched.