Hugging Her Tightly

"Obviously not here to see you," said An Xiaoning as she shot Ma Jianguo a glance.

"We're from the Special Crime Investigation Unit. Shi Shaochuan, I suggest you bring us to see your grandmother. You may be present to hear what we have to say, since you're the culprit after all. Bring us in," Ma Jianguo instructed.

"Alright, come with me," said a puzzled Shi Shaochuan who, nonetheless, brought them to old Mrs. Shi's bedroom.

Upon sight of An Xiaoning, old Mrs. Shi proceeded with the formalities out of basic courtesy, despite having detested her.

"What brought you here, Young Madam of the Jin family?" said the old Mrs. Shi as she sat up straight while Shi Shaochuan adjusted her pillow.