You Won't Make It Past Another Three Months

An Xiaoning turned to the waiter and said, "I'd like to have two cups of coffee without sugar."

"Ms. An, please just tell me straight."

"Calm down, I'll tell you everything in detail when the coffee is here. May I ask, when did you fall in love with Ye Xiaotian?" An Xiaoning asked smilingly. Upon hearing her question, the image of her first encounter with Ye Xiaotian popped up in Bai Ranran's mind as a radiant smile of bliss formed on her face.

"It's been a really long time since I did, but I still remember clearly my very first impression of him, even to this day. We used to be schoolmates, but he still didn't know my name even after several years. Ever since then, I've always loved him," said Bai Ranran as she reminisced the past.

Noticing how blissful Bai Ranran seemed, a heartwarming smile hung from An Xiaoning's lips and she continued, "You're 23 this year, right?"

"Yes, I'm 23."