The Truth Is Finally Out

It was such a simple case, yet, for eight whole years, there had been no investigations carried out to uncover the truth.

The culprit had been allowed to remain unpunished by the law.

Tears began to well up in An Xiaoning's eyes upon witnessing such a tragic event.

"Let's go and arrest the bad guy together, shall we?" she asked as she stood up.

"But I'm scared…"

"Don't be, I'll be here with you, so will Big Brother and Grandpa."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ma Jianguo protested, "Team leader, why am I addressed as 'Grandpa'!?!"

"I can't help it, you look too old," An Xiaoning answered with a chuckle.

"Hey, that's a personal attack!" Ma Jianguo hissed.

"Take all the items on the table, quick. We're leaving," An Xiaoning instructed as she opened the door and strode out, holding an umbrella in her hand.