Her Life Lies in Your Hands (4)

Clearly, there had to be a careful discussion before coming to an appropriate decision.

The Gu family was insistent on saving An Xiaoning, whereas the Jin family was bent on rescuing Jin Qingyue as well.

It was a tough decision to make.

The two families continued arguing over who to save but could still not come to a consensus in the end.

The matter continued to drag on as they found themselves stuck in a difficult dilemma.

In fact, Jin Qingyan was in a dire state of turmoil.

One was his wife, and the other, his sister. He would have to face the music either way, regardless of who he chooses to let live.

He had never been put in such a difficult position before.

This was the very first time in his life that he had ever experienced something like this.

If he could pick, he would rather be the one who had been abducted than to have to choose between two of his dearest kin.