I Want a Divorce (9)

What are you crying for, An Xiaoning? Crying for the sorry plight you're in? she asked herself

Perhaps she was taking pity on herself for the string of unfortunate events she had faced since birth. First, she was abandoned by her biological parents and adopted by her foster ones, who then accused her of jinxing her adoptive family. As a result, she was again abandoned and sent to the mountains.

Fortunately, she was taken in by her master, Nun Junxin, who singlehandedly raised her until adulthood.

However, her master unfortunately passed away, leaving her all alone to fend for herself, after which she left the mountains to get married to Shi Shaochuan. Yet, they were only married in name, and she continued to live the next two years of her life stuck in a meaningless and empty marriage, which ultimately ended dismally.

Then came her second marriage, which happened all too quickly, before she could even take the time to consider it carefully.