Completely Fallen for Her (3)

He even boasted that he was not one to falter easily, unless the person was irreplaceable to him.

Had she become that important him?

An Xiaoning's jaw trembled uncontrollably as tears continued to flow freely from her eyes like a tap.

She arrived at the hospital in no time. Just as she was about to get down from the car, Mei Yangyang grabbed her by her arm and said, "Sis, put on some clothes before going down."

They then quickly changed into proper clothes and got down from the car.

Not wanting to waste any time, they picked up their tracks and ran towards the emergency unit.

All of Jin Qingyan's family was present except old Mrs. Jin. Upon sight of An Xiaoning, Mrs. Jin rushed forward to give her a tight slap across her face and hollered, "You wretched woman! What right have you got to make my son attempt to poison himself to death! What right have you!"

"What are you doing?" Mr. Jin said as he hurriedly pulled her backwards.