Completely Fallen for Her (16)

Mo Li's family burst into tears upon hearing the news, after which they fell silent.

At last, Mr. Mo said, "Mo Li, it's up to you. We'll support you no matter what decision you make."

"Father, Mother, Mo Xun, let's leave this place together tonight. When we return to S Nation, you guys shall move back in with the Long family, at least you'll be safe there. I'll have other plans of my own," said a teary-eyed Mo Li, hanging her head low.

"Mo Li, tell me the truth, are you planning to get back with Ye Xiaotian?" Mrs. Mo asked worriedly.

"I don't know, I'll decide when we return home. But, Mother, somehow I just feel… there's no way out for me at all. In the end, I'm still back to square one even after so much has happened. I'm better off dead."