I Love You, But I Don't Dare to Let You Know (2)

In the past, Mo Li would never have complained about being mistreated by the servants to Ye Xiaotian. However, she decided to tell on them this time.

When Ye Xiaotian returned home for lunch, she said to him up front, "Could you replace all of these servants here?"

Upon hearing her words, all of the servants turned to look at each other in dismay, with the exception of one who was advanced in her years, for she was confident that Ye Xiaotian would never replace her easily. After all, she had been serving him for years and he had long gotten used to her cooking.

Raising his brows in curiosity, Ye Xiaotian asked, "Why?"

After a moment of hesitation, Mo Li answered, "Because I don't like them. Is that reason good enough?"

Ye Xiaotian let out a smile in surprise. Apart from begging him to let her go, she had rarely requested anything from him. Thus, he answered, "That'll depend on your behavior."