I Love You, But I Don't Dare to Let You Know (4)

"You are Mei Yangyang?" Mrs. Long sized up the girl before her who had a baby face. No matter how she looked, the girl appeared very young.

"Yes, and you are Tianze's mother, right?" Mei Yangyang saw that she looked quite similar to Long Tianze and made a bold presumption.

"Yes. Today I came especially to look for you, to ask what exactly is going on between you and my son."

Her question made Mei Yangyang dumbfounded. After some thought, she replied honestly, "We've been dating for some time already."

Mrs. Long of course knew that already. "What I want to know is, are you intending to marry my son?"

"Of course, I'm a serious person. If I get into a relationship, I'll definitely consider marriage."

Of course, as expected, Mrs. Long thought to herself.

"Then, do you think you are worthy of my son?"

Mei Yangyang kept silent for a moment, then replied, "I think I am worthy of him."