I Love You, But I Don't Dare to Let You Know (12)

An Xiaoning sobered up and sat up straight immediately.

"Who's there?" She reached a hand out to switch on the lights, only to see a man sitting beside her, staring at her with a creepy smirk.

The look in his eyes gave her the chills.

It was none other than Xi Bolai.

It was indeed rather unsettling to see him by her bedside out of the blue.

"Long time no see, An Xiaoning," he said with a strong S Nation accent, which he had managed to master well.

"Is there a need for us to meet frequently? Mr. Xi, may I ask why you showed up by my bed and caressed my face at such a late hour?" she said coldly.

"I've been observing you for more than a month," he said with a smile, which seemed a little forced, though it did not appear malicious.

"What were you observing me for? I merely entered your room by mistake, I don't know you at all," An Xiaoning said, not letting her guard down.