I Love You, But I Don't Dare to Let You Know (17)

"No matter how affluent I may be, it's still my money in the end. It's considered stealing if you took it without my permission." With no intentions to give in at all, An Xiaoning continued, "I'll give you three options. One, return to me everything you've taken. Two, if you don't wish to pay me back, then continue to work for me without a salary, your meals and accommodation will be provided for. Last, follow me to the police station. It's up to you to choose one of the three."

"I don't wish to go to jail, nor do I have any money to pay you. Can I work for you then? Will that do?" Xu Jingwen pleaded.

"Alright, you've pocketed 30 thousand dollars. You have a salary of 2500 dollars a month, which would total up to 30 thousand dollars in a year. You are to work for me for three years." An Xiaoning turned to look at Zhang Li and instructed her, "From now on, keep a close eye on her whenever she's in the store. I'll raise your current pay to 3000 dollars a month."