I Just Fancy You (12)

"I'm willing to, can't I?" Gu Beicheng pestered him. "I'm asking you a question. Quick, answer me."

"Don't all women like romantic stuff? But I haven't done such stuff before, you think about it yourself." Ye Xiaotian's tone changed as he continued, "But, there are so many girls here. How about I choose one for you?"

"Don't I have eyes and a mouth of my own, why would I need you to choose for me?"

"Come, I'll choose one for you."

"I don't want to," Gu Beicheng replied resolutely, standing up and closing his laptop shut. "I'm going back."

"Why're you leaving when I just arrived?"

"I have things to do."

The 15th of July was An Xiaoning's birthday.

Her master had told her that she was born on this day.

She did not know if it was accurate, but she indeed believed that it was this day.

Because her master was never wrong.