The Girl Who Was Possessed (5)

"Can I abort this child?" asked Mo Li.

Ye Xiaotian's face stiffened and he warned her, "Mo Li, if you dare abort this child, I promise I'll make you regret your decision."

Mo Li became speechless upon noticing the austere expression on his face.

"I'm talking to you, do you hear me?"

She continued to remain silent.

Ye Xiaotian was beyond infuriated at this point. Other women would jump at the chance to bear his child, yet she wanted to abort it.

"I'm talking to you, did you hear me!?!" Ye Xiaotian hollered, wishing he could just strangle her to death.

"I heard you. Will you give the child and I a proper status?" she asked.

He gazed at her and answered, "As long as you behave properly, I'll mention this to my family and inform them of my decision to marry you," Ye Xiaotian answered, staring at her.

Mo Li nodded and agreed anyway upon hearing his words, as much as she was still rather reluctant to.