Sealed with Love (3)

He unlocked the door with his key and said, "This is an empty room which hasn't been occupied in a very long time. Thus, there may be some cobwebs and dust around, but it'll be spick and span after some cleaning and tidying up. It won't get in the way of your stay. There's also a small yard where you can grow some plants and flowers."

With a look of satisfaction, An Xiaoning answered gleefully, "Not bad, it's just a little dirty, but it should be fine after some cleaning. May I know how much the rental costs would be?"

"500 dollars a month, but you'll have to pay for six months at once."

"No problem, this one it shall be. We'll pay you upfront the total sum for six months. Please write us an invoice."

"I don't have a piece of paper and pen with me now. I live just upstairs, please wait a moment."

"Sure. It's pretty nice here, isn't it?" An Xiaoning remarked, pulling Zu Dong further inside.

"Yeah, looks good."