You Misbehaved (3)

Xu Jingwen gave him a kiss. "Then, let's start preparing now. My dream last time was to travel overseas to play. Now, it's finally being fulfilled."

"I just fed you full, now I've no more energy. You pack up now, and we'll set off immediately!"

Xu Jingwen's face lit up with happiness. "Umm!"

An Xiaoning had a cup of tea in her hand as she walked out of the police station towards her own car.

As she was about to reach the front of the car, a figure appeared at the rear end of the car. It turned out to be Gu Beicheng.

"Why are you here?"

"I had nothing to do today, so I came to chat with you."

An Xiaoning rolled her lips. "Get on."

Gu Beicheng got into the driver's seat, and An Xiaoning passed him the car keys. "Isn't it Ye Xiaotian's wedding today? Aren't you going to be his best man?"