Please Me (2)

"Nothing is impossible in this world. Do you know why Ciye likes such women?" Long Tianze asked with a sheepish grin.

"Of course not," said Mei Yangyang. How could she possibly know?

"Because, Ciye had a crush on this girl in high school, and she absolutely looked like a whore."

Mei Yangyang seemed to have an epiphanic moment. "Oh I see, that girl must really be something, to be able to influence his taste in women completely."

"Exactly. That girl is pretty famous now though, she's become a celebrity," Long Tianze added.

"Who is she?" Mei Yangyang asked in curiosity.

"Not telling you just yet, lest you leak the news," Long Tianze refuted as he flicked his finger against her forehead.

Clutching her forehead in pain, Mei Yangyang answered, "I promise I won't tell anyone. I really want to know who it is. Don't tell me it's Sun Weiwei?"

"Of course not. Give me a kiss and I'll tell you."

What was so hard about that?