Please Me (20)

After paying up, she boarded the ferry together with a bunch of other illegal immigrants.

The ferry was extremely crowded. After some inquiring and asking about, Mei Yangyang found out that all of them were going overseas to work.

Mei Yangyang was freezing in the chilly ferry, which did not have a heater.

That was the status quo for the rest of the night.

By daybreak, she was feeling just like a block of frozen meat. Fortunately, she had finally arrived in Y Nation.

She would have chosen to travel by plane if it were not for the fact that she would not be allowed to carry any weapons with her up there.

Famished, she immediately looked for a restaurant after alighting from the ferry. Since she was not proficient in the native language of Y Nation, she had a hard time communicating with the cashier while footing the bill.