Reunion (3)

Staring at her lifeless body, Gu Beicheng was overwhelmed with grief and agony.

The Gu family, Jin Qingyan, as well as other guests watched as the coffin was covered slowly before being nailed shut. It was then brought to the mountains to be buried in secret.

Chi Rui'er also attended the funeral. Although she appeared to be deep in sorrow on the surface, she was imploding with immense joy deep down.

A smile formed on her face as she watched An Xiaoning's coffin being lowered into the ground.

Everyone was grief-stricken. All of a sudden, the jade bangle on An Xiaoning's wrist shattered into pieces.

An Xiaoning, who was pronounced dead earlier, opened her eyes abruptly.

An Xiaoning tried to sit up straight, only to hit her head against the cover of the coffin.

She winced in pain and felt that there was something on top of her. She reached a hand out to feel about and realized that it was the shattered jade bangle.