Reunion (13)

He closed his eyes, feeling a little uneasy due to the alcohol.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, his mobile phone began to ring all of a sudden. He did not answer the call and only opened his eyes when it rang a second time.

He whipped his mobile phone out from the pocket of his suit and took a look to see that it was an incoming call from overseas.

"Hello," he answered.

"Hello, is this Mr. Gu Beicheng speaking?" Mei Yangyang asked over the phone while meeting An Xiaoning's eyes.

"Yes, you are?"

"Here's the thing, we're currently at the People's Hospital in M Nation, and we have a huge surprise gift for you left behind by a lady named An Xiaoning. May I ask if you're available to collect it?"

Gu Beicheng was utterly shocked and sat up straight immediately. "Who… who did you say it was from?" he asked with a frown, unable to believe his ears.